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ANUGOONJ : Contributions Student :


Money is a good servant 
                 But a poor master. 
                          - Anonymus. 

Better than a thousand hollow word's 
             is one word that brongs peace.
                      - Buddha.

Inner peace and outer peace and outer 
peace are synonymus in the sense that 
without one the other wouldn't happen.
                         - yoko ono.

A peesimist sees the difficulty,
in everyoppurtunity,
An optimist sees oppurtunity in evert difficulty.
                     - Sir wonston chruchill.

You have to dream 
                 before your dreams can come true.
                    - APJ Abdul kalam.                     

         By Shruti Nair.

                 Golden Speech.

1. The journey of a thousand miles begins with 
                 a single step - Chinese proverb.

2. "Attitute not aptitute,
                 determines attitude."
                                     - Jesse Jackson.
3. "One can nevers consent to creep
                 when one feels an impulse to soar."

4. "Many of lifes failures are people who did not
                 realise how close they were to success 
                 when they gave up."
                                      - Thomas Edison.

5. "Knowledge is the antidote to Fear."
                                      - Ralph waldo Emerson.

6. "Luck is what happens when 
                 preparation meets opportunity."
                                       - Darreli Royal.

7. "This above all,
                 to thine own self be true."
                                       - Shakespeare.

8. "The most I can do for my friend is 
                 simply to be his friend." 
                                        - Henry David Thereau.

9. "Friendship with oneself is all important beacuse without 
                 it one can't be friends with anyone else in the world."

Sir. Winstone 

I said a prayer for you today 
And know God must have heart
I felt the answer in my heart
Although He spoke no word!

I didn’t ask for wealth or fame
(I knew you wouldn’t mind)
I asked him to send treasures
Of a for more lasting kind!

I asked that He’d be near you
At the start of each new day
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way!

I asked for happiness for you 
In all things great and small
But it was for his loving care
I prayed the most of all!

Presenter: Nisha Mohan Nair
S.Y. B.A.



A :- Always be honest, would you want them to lie to you?

B :- Be there when they need you, or you may wind up alone.

C :- Chees them on, we all need encouragment now and them.

D :- Don't look for their Faults, even if you have none.

E :- Encourage their dreams, what would we be without them ?

F :- Forgive them, you just MAY DO something wrong sometime.

G :- Get together aften, misery loves company, so does glee,

H :- Have Fail in them. The human animal is remarkable.

I :- Include them, you may need to be included some times.

J :- Just be their when they need you.

K :- Know when they need a hug, and couldn't you use one ?

L :- Love them unconditionally, that is the only condition.

M :- Make them feel special because aren't we All Special ?

N :- Never forget them, who wants to Feel Forgotten ?

O :- Offer to help, and know when " No thanks " is just politeness.

P :- Praise them honestly and openly.

Q :- Quiety disagree noisy No's make enemies.

R :- Really listen, a friendly ear is a soothing balm.

S :- Say you're sorry, dont let them assume it.

T :- Talk Frequently, Communication is Important.

U :- Use good judgment.

V :- Verblize your Feelings!

W :- Wish them luck, hopefully good!

X :- Xamine your motives before you "hlep" out.

Y :- Your words count, use them wisely.

Z :- Zip your lips when told a secret.                                                                                    



HIRALAL  :-   Oye Pannalal.  I have something in My bag. I'll not show it to you if you can tell me what it is, I'll give you one egg. 
                  If you can tell me the total number of the eggs, I'll give you all the eight eggs. And if you are really brilliant and can truly say 
                  whose eggs are these, the henis also yours.

PANNALAL :- Are Bhaiji, Why do you go on asking so many questions? Definitely I'm brilliant enough to answer you question but could
                 you please give me fast one hint ?


CUSTOMER :- When I bought this cat, you told me that she was good for nice. But she doesnt even go near them.

SHOPKEEPER :- Isn't that good for nice ?

MAYOR :- So you are complaining about a little sand in you soap ?


MAYOR :- Did you join the army to serve you land or to complain about the food ?

NEW RECRUIT :- Sir, to serve my land, but not to eat it.


This Manager was angry with a alret. He shouted. " Are you a Man or a Mouse ?

"I'm a Man," said the cleark firmly.

"And How do you say so ?" The manager inquired.

"Becasue My wife is always afraid of a mouse," The cleark explained.


CHANDU :- I have got a stomach ache, I won't go to school today.

MUMMY :-  That's because you haven't eaten today, your stomuch is empty so it hurts.

CHANDU :- Aha! Now I  know why big brother always complains about headaches.


Landlady ( to a new tenant) : An inventor lived in this room. He invented an exposive.

Tenant :- Oh, those spots on the ceiling are of the explosive .....

Landlady :- No, that's the inventor.


The bos called this assistant and gave a warm shakehand. He said Mr. singh, you are my senior
colleague. The new project we are going to take up requries quick thinking, Imagination and Hard work.
That's why I have called you. I wish you should retired!


"Dad, would you like to save some Money" ?

" I certainly would! Son, Any suggestion!"

" Sure, Why don't you buy me a bike? Then any shoes won't wear out so fast."


Daughter :- Remember that expensive flower we use you always woried I would Break ?

Mother    :- Of course, I do but what about it.

Daugher  :- Maa, all your worries are over.


Dabbuji was sitting on beanch in the garden. He held a book in each hand and was reading both of them one by one.
He become serious every time he looked into the book which was in his right hand. Would burst in to laughter every time 
he looked in to the left hand book. This went on for quite sometime.
Tappuji was observing this with curiosity, they came to Dabbuji and said " I dont understand, why do you beocme serious when you 
read from the right hand book and why dou you laugh when you read the book in left hand ?

"They book in my right hand its is a guide to that joke book." Dabbuji explained."

                                      TIME MANAGEMENT - Secret to Sucess.

Secret of every sucessful person is the Time Management. Every sucessful person manages his time and work accordingly.
Once the time is gone it is gone for ever. It cannot be brought back. It is roughly said.

                                                                                                                              " Time and Tide wants for none."

              Today Time Management is not seen among most of the students. Students should make it time table and work accordingly,
so they can get sucess on academics and can also bring out the s----. It is waste to regret after the time is gone. It is like wiping the milk after it
has been split. Students for eg. They do not prepare for exams earlier and at last moment they start studying and after failing the are shocked.

              So each and every person must have Time Management in order to be sucessful in life. So how do not regret for past, start up with new
hope and have Time Management for the future than sucess will be at your feet.

                                                                                                                   Dharmesh Trivedi. 
                                         " INTERESTING DEFINITIONS "

Man                 .... Man is pendulum between 
                        a smile and tear.

Wife             .... W = Worries
                   .... I  =  Invited
                   .... F  = For
                   .... E  = Ever

Joker              .... WhoseTears brings Cheers.

College          .... A place where some Pursue learning 
                        and some learn pursuing.

Father           .... A Banker provided by nature.

Marriage        .... An institution in which the boy loser his 
                        bacherlor's degree and the girl gets her master's.

Boss             .... The man who is early when you are late 
                        and late when you are early.

Hospital         ... Where a nurse makes you up to give 
                       you a sleeping pilt.

Egaist           ... An 'I' Specialist

                                                                                                                   ..... Seema Rajput. 

Wearied and often sick at heart as I am, Your invite me, O'God, to enter into Solitude to Slient
Prayer and Meditation. Help me to cultivate the silence of my Senser, of my imagination, and of my heart, in order 
to come nerarer to you, O my Creator and Lord, and receive you graces and blessings.

                                                                           Different Types Of Welcomes.

1.            In South Africa, people guie their guests a bath.

2.            In Mexico, the people welcome their guests by touching their tongue with their own.

3.            In Madagarcar, People put water on the hands of their guests.

4.            In Australia, in certain promice people exchange their clothes to welcome their guests.

5.            Some Red Indians, guie a ride to their guests.

6.            In a certain area of france, people make their guests drink a solution of mud and water that contains proteins.

              Those who bring sunshine to the luies of others cannt keep it from themselves.
                                                                                                                   ... James Sarrie.
              Not education, but charecter is man's greatest need and man's greatest Safeguard.
                                                                                                                   ... Spencer.

                                                                                                                             ..... Seema Rajput.



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