Women Development Cell |
Women Development Cell
In pursuance of the directions issued by the UGC and MHRD, and keeping with the statutory requirement of the Gujarat University, the college has constituted the Women Development Cell.The college also has an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC -2013).Prior to it the college also has Grievance addressee Cell. The aim and objective of the WDC is to prevent sexual harassment at workplace (colleges) and to promote general wellbeing of female students, teaching and non-teaching women staff of the colleges. The cell is also responsible to undertake the awareness programmes on gender sensitization, women rights and women empowerment in the campus. The objective of WDC is to create awareness amongst students about the issues related to the youth, girls in particularand also to share knowledge about rights and laws related to women. It aims to enhance the self- esteem and self- confidence of girl students, women faculty and staff by provide opportunities to girl students and women employees to participate in and interact at conferences etc. related to gender issue. Is objective being to help students in changing their mind sets and also to cultivate leadership skills in women.It focuses increating awareness about the social problems faced by women in campus as well as society. WDC organizes workshops, lectures, discussions and other activities to inform the young minds regarding various issues.
Faculty Coordinators/Committee Members:
1. Chair Person – Dr. Neerja Arun Gupta
2. Co-ordinator – Dr. Mrinalini P. Thaker
3. Dr. Vidya Rao
4. Dr. Niranjana Brahmbhatt
5. Prof.Desdimona Patel
6. Prof. Nehal Rajguru